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Injury & Movement Screens

Consultative physical therapy visits aimed to assess and provide further recommendations related to any pain, injuries, or concerns about how your child is moving or participating in their sport or activity.

Our injury screens are designed to be a one-time visit where your child is screened by a Doctor of Physical Therapy for any pain, injury, or other concerns you or your child may have about how they are moving or participating in their sport or activities.


They are perfect if you:

Recently sustained an injury playing a sport or participating in an activity.

Often, the sooner you have an injury addressed, the quicker you start to feel better.

Are having pain or discomfort playing your sport or participating in your activities.

The earlier you can address this, the less likely they will turn into a major issue or injury & the better you will perform!

Want advice on how to improve the way you move to perform better & prevent injury.

We look at a variety of movements specific to your sport and provide recommendations on how you can fine-tune & improve!

As a part of your screen, we will provide recommendations on next steps and how to manage your child's condition as well as answer any questions you may have.


We are more than happy to provide referrals to other healthcare providers if you need them or when it may be indicated.

Let's Work Together!
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